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"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."~Benjamin Franklin

A novice beer drinker exploring the many different beers of the world, one glass at a time.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Samuel Adams Black Lager

As mentioned in my first Sam Adams post about their Pumpkin Ale, I bought the entire Harvest Collection they put out this year in the 12 pack. I've always enjoyed Sam Adams as I feel their descriptions of their beers on the tops of their labels are spot on and they always put out a quality beer. I have not yet met a Sam Adams beer I do not like and hope to continue on this very happy tradition.

Tonight's selection was the Black Lager from the collection. My uncle and I had been discussing it only a few days before and he told me how wonderful it was so I was, once again, excited to try another new beer. As a rule, I don't read the description of the beer until after I try it, especially with Sam Adams since theirs are right on the bottle.

The beer poured dark, nearly black in color with a few ruby highlights when it was held up to the light. The head was thick and cream colored. The nose of the beer was rich. There were a number of malt notes with highlights of chocolate and just a hint of coffee. The flavor did not disappoint. It was chocolate with a mild sweetness to it. The finish was dry with some of the coffee flavor hanging on. Overall, it was a very good beer, perfect for a cool, fall evening which is what Sam Adams surely intended when they put it in their Harvest Pack.

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