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"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."~Benjamin Franklin

A novice beer drinker exploring the many different beers of the world, one glass at a time.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Saranac Hefeweizen

So for those who didn't know, the past few weeks I have been out of town so the posts have been automated. This post is included in that. I've been travelling in Europe and finished up my trip in Las Vegas with some friends. I set these posts up in advanced so I wouldn't have to worry about the blog while I was out of the country. Don't worry though, I took notes on all the beers I tried while I was away (especially in Ireland!)

This week, I have another of Saranac's beers from their Summer Sampler. This one was the Hefeweizen because I needed a break from all IPAs I've been drinking. Seriously, that many hops can kill a girl. Plus, I do have a soft spot for wheat beers.

The beer poured a gold color with some cloudiness. There was a thin, white head that dissipated rather quickly. There was some nice lacing as the beer moved down the glass. The nose was very bready with a few light citrus notes. The flavor had a strong banana notes with mild spiciness and just a bit of the bread that was in the nose. The finish was nice and clean.

Overall, a very nice beer. A good example of the style, in my opinion, though not the best I've ever had. I would recommend it to any one looking for a beer at the end of a long day.