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"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."~Benjamin Franklin

A novice beer drinker exploring the many different beers of the world, one glass at a time.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Love letter to Big Sky Brewing Co.'s Moose Drool

Moose Drool

Not exactly something that screams being delicious. Kind of seems like something that would be a last resort when you go into the refrigerator. I was mostly intrigued and only a little wary of the name when my cousin told me about this brew. I did some cursory research before going out to see what I was getting myself into and was a little more scared when I saw it was a brown ale after my experience with Raison D'ĂȘtre. I know they're not nearly the same, for the record, but Raison D'ĂȘtre was based on a Belgian style brown ale so that was what I was basing my experiences off of. 

Needless to say, I was smitten at first sip. This was perhaps the most rich and balanced beer I have ever had the pleasure of drinking. Moose Drool is made by Big Sky Brewing Co. in Missoula, Montana and it is one of my new goals in life to visit there some day because if this beer is any indication, the rest must be brilliant. 

The beer was served on tap and was a dark mahogany color with brilliant ruby highlights. There was very little head on the beer but what was there was white. It did manage to hang around for the whole pint too. The smell was rich and mallty. It wasn't very different from other malty beers in the nose but the biggest difference for me was undoubtedly the taste. It was smooth and velvety but still mildly carbonated in just the right amount. The flavor was rich in dark chocolate tones with coffee highlights and stayed that way through the glass, even as the beer began to warm up a bit. 

The only bad thing about this beer is I can't have it on a regular basis as Big Sky doesn't distribute to New York. I would love to try their other beers that they have listed on their website such as Slow Elk or Cowboy Coffee Porter. It runs about $9.99 a six pack from their online distributors plus shipping and tax. I believe it was about $5 or $6 at the bar for the pint. It was undoubtedly worth it and everyone should try this beer if they're given a chance. It truly is worth drooling over. 

Edit: As informed by my cousin/comment, the bar served Moose Drool at a very manageable $4.50 a pint. Now, if only shipping it were so convenient...

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