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"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."~Benjamin Franklin

A novice beer drinker exploring the many different beers of the world, one glass at a time.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sixpoint Sweet Action

Last weekend I went to a restaurant I'd heard about for years on a local radio station, Bacchus Restaurant and Bar. A couple of good friends had gone to a wedding so I met them for lunch. Their sign boasts their beer list as over 400 beers but their website says that they're at about 500 so trying to pick something was a bit daunting. I've been really trying to not be picky but 500 choices and only being allowed one is damn near impossible.

The bartender suggested one of their draft selections, Sixpoint Sweet Action. It's a cream ale and after my delightful experience with Kilkenny's, it seemed to me like an easy decision. The Sixpoint brewery is located down in Brooklyn and has only been around since 2004. After exploring their website a little bit, I noticed that we both share the same Ben Franklin quote so they're also going to be on my list of breweries to continue to try beers from.

Two guest elbows for this blog post
The beer was served in a pint glass. It had a reddish gold color to it with a white head to it that dissipated fairly quickly to a thin ring around the edge. The smell was mildly hoppy with a lot of floral notes to it. The taste had more malt notes too it but still finished mildly hoppy and was flowery overall. While it was a good beer, I felt it was largely unremarkable as far as beers go. 

I don't know that I'd get it again at $5.75 a pint but I'm sure if I could find it at a more reasonable price I'd be more than  happy to drink this beer on a regular basis.

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